Yuval Trachtenberg
Yuval Trachtenberg is co-founder of YouTutor.
Yuval, having been born in Israel, raised in Kenya for the first half of his life, and Spain for the other half, has been fortunate enough to have seen the world from several different scopes. This has helped him procure a passion for helping others through community service and striving for a better world. Thus, he believes that this platform is not only the perfect place for students who struggle in school to get help from others in their community, but also a perfect place for people like himself - people who seek to help their community - to volunteer and use their interdisciplinary strengths to help others. He is mainly in charge of leading initiatives to implement YouTutor in his school, along with planning and expanding YouTutor to international schools in Barcelona .
Yuval is a 16 year old, 11th grade student at Benjamin Franklin International school, located in Barcelona. He is currently in his first year of the IB diploma program, where he enrolls in some of the top rigorous courses offered by the IB. He is currently taking: Math AA (HL), Macro and Micro Economics (HL), Computer Science (HL), English A (SL), Spanish B (SL), and Environmental System and Societies (SL). Therefore, Yuval will also be volunteering as a Math, Economics, and Computer Science tutor.
Miguel Rodes Knuth
Miguel Rodés is co-founder of YouTutor.
Miguel is a friendly student who is passionate about helping others and building a better community. Having lived his whole life in an international school in Barcelona, Miguel has had the advantage of fully experiencing Spanish culture while also being constantly exposed to new and distinct cultures. Motivated by his passion for helping others and creating a change, Miguel decided to build a platform that could improve education in his community. Therefore, alongside Yuval and Gregorio, Miguel co-founded YouTutor. Presently, Miguel is in charge of designing and updating the website as well as creating a flawless algorithm that will be used to give each tutor a grade out of 10 based on their evaluation and hours volunteered. This grade will decide the place of each tutor in the highly competitive YouTutor ranking.
Miguel Rodés is a 17 year old student at Benjamin Franklin International School. He is currently in his first year of the IB diploma, in which he enrolls in some of the most challenging courses offered by the IB. He is currently taking: Computer Science (HL), Macro and Micro Economics (HL), Math AI (HL), Physics (SL), Spanish A (SL) and English (SL). Therefore, through YouTutor Miguel is tutoring courses such as Math AI, Physics, Computer Science, (HS) Science and Spanish History.
Gregorio Nazzi
Gregorio Nazzi is co-founder of YouTutor.
Gregorio is passionate about helping others and creating a change. Having lived in six different countries Gregorio has had the benefit of experiencing handfuls of different cultures. This has made him passionate to give back to his community and others. He is in charge of leading initiatives to implement YouTutor in his school, along with planning and expanding YouTutor to international schools in Barcelona . He believes that this platform will give both tutors and students a chance to learn important life skills.
Gregorio is a 16 year old student at Benjamin Franklin International School in Barcelona. He is currently in his first year of the IB diploma, in which he enrolls in some of the most rigorous courses offered by the IB. He is currently taking: Math AA (HL), Macro and Micro Economics (HL), Global Politics (HL), English A (SL), Spanish B (SL) and Environmental System and Societies (SL). Therefore, he will also be teaching several subjects such as Math, Science and Economics.